Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm back! Sort of...

Hello Bloggerdom! How I have missed thee. In all honesty, I only remember this blog when I've exhausted all other sources of entertainment and time-killing. That's about to change.
If you recall, I began this blog as an assignment for Mass Media class, which would explain the random, dull expositions sandwiched between the good articles. I continued the blog for fun, roaming my mind for any loose thoughts, dusting them off, and presenting them to you all with a flourish. If you haven't already noticed, this blog soon became a poster child for irony: entitled Strict Lit, it is composed of exactly one literature-related post out of thirteen. It turns out, writing and reading are only a few of my interests. A funny thing about passions, though, is that they always come back to haunt you in the end. You just can't seem to shake them, to paraphrase one very passionate girl named Elena from my favorite tv show. And so, I'm returning to my roots, writing stories, politely complimenting the ones I wish I had written, and slamming the ones that should not exist if there were any decency and compassion left in this world. Didn't you miss my dramatics.
But since I'm incapable of focusing on a single theme in my normal life, much less my writing, I am now extending my discussions to my favorite tv shows (aka Vampire Diaries) and the Silver Screen. For all you fiction purists out there who are still convinced that the Kindle is the mark of the beast and relish the musky scent of "real" books (fyi, that's probably lead guys, so don't poison yourselves!), good writing can be found in every medium. If I weren't in the midst of trying to become a published novelist right now, I'd be a screenwriter, and Julie Plec would be my best friend. Random reference to someone only a handful of people recognize. Check. Oh yeah, I'm back.