Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Top 5 "What the heck?" moments - Heroes edition!

As a writer, I appreciate Heroes for its engaging plots and the taglines that make nerdy fans everywhere drool. (My "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" t-shirt still turns heads.) There are, nevertheless, plot elements that don't entirely make sense, or better yet, make you say "What the Heck?!"
Disclaimer: I am an uber-fan of Heroes, the kind of devoted viewer who will chew the head off of anyone who criticizes my show in anything but snarky fairness. That being said, I love poking fun at the things I love. Call me a hypocrite if you will.

The "What the Heck?" list:

1)Either Peter is too emotionally weak to resist a family hug, or he is an idiot. Why hasn't he learned that interacting with Petrellis in general, much less touching them, is a dangerous enterprise? And no, they will not cut you slack because you are their lovingly dense brother/son. Case in point: Nathan says, "Now give your big brother a hug" (or something along those lines) then has HRG taser little bro half to death. Idiot!

2)Speaking of Peter, it was nice to see him working as a paramedic. (Translation: It was nice to see!) Why is it that no one has a steady job on this show, save Matt Parkman of course, the all-around "I'm already a hero. I'm a policeman!" good guy. Sheesh, I wouldn't mind seeing Claire with a babysitting gig just to give the show a boost of realism. How do they eat...

3)...oh, that's right, they don't. This is a show notorious for its controversial character starvation diet. I cannot recall many episodes in which a character has consumed food, or even come near it. Well, except that time when Sylar was eating ice cream! And all this time, I thought he was sociopathic terminator robot with no human needs. He may not require regular sustenance, but he's a sucker for Baskin Robbins. Go figure. I feel like passing out meal replacement shakes so that they can eat on the run.

4)Speaking of running, Claire has been doing plenty of that lately, most of the time from her father. Both of them! Why can't this girl have one Dad who is not self-serving and balancing precariously between moral ambivalence and grandiose evil scheming? Why can't at least one of them put her interests before his own and take her out for breakfast and some Daddy-daughter bonding? Wait, that would require that they actually eat, wouldn't it. So never mind the breakfast. I'm still holding out hope that Claire will discover a long-lost step-father who can save her from her deadbeat dads.

5)Finally, my biggest current pet peeve of heroes: Where are the kids? Micah the techno-extraordinaire and Molly the human GPS have been missing from the show since the beginning of the season. I understand that their storylines are wearing thin, but at least give them more graceful exits. Molly was taken to the airport by Mohinder so that she could be flown somewhere safe. Wait...he sent a ten year old on a plane ride alone? And this is safer than being protected by a mind reader and strong man? Who wants to bet he was just tired of playing dad?
And the last time we saw Micah, he was grieving his mom. And just like that, he had left our tv screens, leaving ethereal memories of the adorable boy that was. Then, in the volume 3 finale, his picture is shown in a stack of hero photos handed to the president. Why would they show his face again if he was gone for good? Any reasonable person can guess, based on this clue and Heroes track record of raising characters from the dead, that it wouldn't be too far-fetched to bring this kid back. Besides, it is necessary to the life of the show. Any show's success can be attributed to the number of cute kids who have appeared on it. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating slightly. But still, epic cuteness is always welcome. I love a good Splenda rush.

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